Common mental disorders, including depressive and anxiety disorders among adults and behavioural challenges among children, are common in all countries. In Vietnam, the burden of these mental illness is similar to that in much of the world.

Role-play in the training in Quang Ninh
The Institute of Population, Health and Development (PHAD) have been collaborating with Simon Fraser University (SFU) to implement 3-year project called: “Mental health in adults and children: Frugal Innovations (MAC-FI) under financial supports of Grant Challenge Canada (GCC) and The Ministry of Labour, Invalid and Social Affairs, Vietnam (MOLISA). The project has 2 components, one for depressed adult and other called Strongest Family Model for children with behavioural challenges. The adult component will be implemented in 8 provinces of Vietnam including Thanh Hoa, Thai Nguyen, Quang Ninh, Da Nang, Quang Nam, Khanh Hoa, Ben Tre and Long An. Strongest Family Model will be piloted in Hanoi.

A group discussion in the training in Quang Ninh
The main purpose of the project is to enhance care and capacity development for common mental disorders in both children (using the SF model) and adults in Vietnam and to provide technical assistances to the community based project on Social support and rehabilitation for people with mental illness and mental disorder 2011-2020 (Decision 1215/QD-TTg on 22/7/2011).
In the adult mental health, the project will implement the following key activities: (1) training for provincial trainers and supervisors (2) Training for social workers and commune health workers, (3) screening, ranking and management of depression the community level with strong collaboration between health and social sector, (4) refer severe case to higher level of care, (5) collect scientific data to prove the success of the project to help MOLISA making decision based on scientific evidences.

CHW was screening a patient in Da Nang

CHW was screening a patient at CHC in Quang Ninh
In the child mental health part, the project will focus on Vietnamizing the Strongest Family Model and piloting its effectiveness in Vietnamese context. The main activities including screening and early detect of child with behavioural challenges and early intervention via parents with assistance from social worker network.