To respond to the order of the Honor Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, the Prime Minister of Vietnam regarding mobilization of Vietnamese people to participate in fighting Covid-19, The director board of PHAD decided to co-establish and co-lead the group name “Standing together with frontline health care staffs to fight against Covid-19” and call for supports from Vietnamese people who want to give a hand in fighting Covid-19 pandemic together with Frontline health care staffs in Vietnam.
The support activities will include:
1) Exchange N95 masks with Cloth mask: the Vietnamese who bought N95 mask could exchange their masks for 3-4 layer cloth masks, then N95 masks will be delivered to frontline health care staffs or giving N95 mask(s) as gifts to frontline medical staffs;
2) contribute cash to purchase personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline health staffs including N95 masks, Medical mask, Protective clothes, Face shields,
3) raised fund will also be used for other supported activities for health staffs and patients/people affected by Covid-19 during and after the pandemic.
Duration of the activities: start from 17/03/2020 to the end of pandemic when the government declared of Covid-19 free or when having the decision from PHAD director to stop Covid-19 support activities.
All contributions, please send to the account of the Group or to the designated bank of the PHAD:
– Acc name: PHAD
– A/C No.: 0011 00 4188 756 (VND)
– Bank name: JSC Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam – Operation Centre
– Address: 31-33 Ngo Quyen Str., Hanoi, Vietnam